June 16, 2009

C25K W5d3 - Personal success

Well, after more than a week of inactivity due to sickness, I finally got back on track yesterday evening. I wasn't sure if I should try for the 20min consecutive run (since it was my next scheduled interval) or if I should restart week 5 from the beginning.

I decided to go for it, and see if, after a week, I could still accomplish this monumental feat. I stretched, headed down to the trail and started my 5 minute warm up walk. When I first heard the chime in the podcast telling me that it was time to run, I gave myself a 5 second pep talk and kicked off.

I won't lie: it was tough. The toughest run yet. It didn't help that I had a stitch in my side from the first minute right through to the end. The first 10minutes were the worst. Every 2 minutes I seriously considered stopping and walking - repeating the W5D1 schedule. But I pushed through, and after the halfway point (when I was jogging towards home instead of away) time seemed to just fly by. When it was finally over, I was breathing quite raggedly, my legs felt like they were made of a strange mix of Jell-o and led weights. But I also felt quite a rush, the rush of success.

For some reason I contribute my success to the fact that there were an abnormal number of walkers/atv-ers on the tracks, I felt like that as long as I was still visible to them I couldn't quit and start walking. For once my self-consciousness came in handy.

I am very proud of myself. I feel as though if I can run for 20minutes straight, I can do anything. Today I feel absurdly ready to run a marathon. Google Earth tells me I ran approximately 4.2km. I've almost reached 5k and I'm only half way through the program.

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