May 23, 2009

Update on life

Sorry I have been bad. Very little updating....probably because I'm not working out everyday, whoops! But I have been running more than I have been posting, so this whole exercising thing is not totally unravelling. The problem I seem to be having is remembering that it is important to weight train on my non-C25K days.

Speaking of the C25K, I am happily progressing along week 3. Running for 3 uninteruppted minutes is death, but I am enjoying the fact that I am physically capable of accomplishing this. I dread week 4, eeek.

I'm going to finish this update later. I have to go buy ice cream while my husband bbqs. Sigh, I am totally cancelling out the workout that I plan to cop out of this evening.

Bad bad me. Oh well, ice cream :D

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