May 17, 2009

C25K W2D3

This is a really good workout, and I am really enjoying running. My husband and I had our offer accepted on a house and it backs on an old railroad bed = perfect place for running. Our current apt. also backs on the tracks, so I am excited that I'll still be able to run somewhere where I won't be seen or hit by a car. Yay. The most danger I could get into on the tracks is stepping in horse manure.

The house also has a pool. How conveniant that I'm already working towards a nice bikini bod!

After regular exercise for a month now, it's really starting to become habit. I don't know what I did with myself before my daily run/Shred/weights. I get so bored now if I'm not doing anything. It's nice to have all this energy and enthusiasm. The slimming down is also a nice side effect ;)

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