May 15, 2009

C25K W2D2

I seem to be a day behind in this updating business. But I have an excuse. We bought a house last night :) The last of the paperwork is getting signed today and then it'll be time for meeting the sales conditions. Excitement.

Anyhoo, I went for my run yesterday morning. It felt pretty good. I had a bit of trouble with my hip again, but nothing major, and no pain this morning. My knees are hurting a bit but I think that is from setting the laptop on my lap and/or leaning forward with my elbows on them when I type. Also from crossing my legs. Stupid weak knees. Oh well, I'm happy that exercising isn't making them worse.

I saw some amazing before/after pictures from a Nestie yesterday as well. She and her husband were doing the P90X, which is what I want to do next. Her starting pictures were pretty similar to mine - fairly slim girl anyway with a little layer of pudge all around. Now she's looking like the definition of bikini body. I definitely would love that for myself. I'll have to see if I can get my husband back into it as well. He seems to have stopped his fitness regime. Probably for the same reason that I've found it hard exercising inside - our neighbours, and our houseguest.

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