May 12, 2009

C25K W2D1

Today kinda kicked my ass. But it kicked it in a good way. 90 seconds of running really pushed my endurance to the limit - I would just start thinking "OMG I can't keep going any longer" and then I would push on for another 15seconds or so when I finally heard that little chime telling me to slow back down to walking. It was definitely a challenge.

Also, I am in no pain afterwards. My knees are a normal amount of sore, and my hip only twinged a couple times and it's feeling fine now.

I have to get back into strength training. I have really neglected that aspect of my fitness plan since giving up the 30DS. I am back down to only being able to barely accomplish 6 real push-ups. I can't let all that hard earned work go to waste. I'm supposed to strength train Mon, Wed, Fri and run Sun, Tues, Thurs. Saturday will continue to be my rest day.

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