May 23, 2009

Falling off the wagon

I guess it's not such a bad thing that I plan to eat some icecream and I'm not going for my run. Saturday is my day to be bad afterall. I just need to make sure I keep active and get back to healthy as of tomorrow.

I am really enjoying running. As I've mentioned before, it's always been a whistfull pipedream of mine, that I never thought I would ever accomplish. Now I'm planning to run the Terry Fox 5K in the fall! What a change. It tells me that I really can do anything if I put my mind to it.

My knees aren't bothering me near as much lately. I think I discovered the culprit. My laptop. Yup. Apparently it is too stressful on my knees to set the laptop on my lap. It is equally stressfull to lean on my knees while the laptop sits on the coffee table. My ingenious solution? Now I blog lying on the only hurts my ribs a little (because my ribs are no longer softened by fat :D yay). So hopefully this will take care of my knee issues for the forseeable future.

Another reason why I haven't been working out much lately? My husband and I bought a house!!! It's an awesome house. Yay. Very busy meeting all the conditions of the sale but everything is going well - if things keep on track we get the house on June 22nd. Awesomeness.

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