May 04, 2009

The Shred - Day 25, C25K W1D1

I may have to give up the 30DS. Our neighbours have started getting really ornery and banging on the floor when we so much as walk around now. So all the jumping to do the video is out :(

HOWEVER! I am compensating by starting the Couch-to-5K running program. I was fairly disappointed with my 30DS workout today, barely broke a sweat, so I decided so go running today.

I downloaded a podcast specifically designed for interval running and the C25K training program. You can download it here. It's a good tool - it chimes when it's time to switch from running to walking and vice versa - with each mix being either 60 or 90 seconds long with specific beats per minute for the walking and running intervals.

I went out this afternoon (at the hottest time of the day, stupid me) and tested it out. It was amazing. I probably would not have been able to do so well if I hadn't started with the Shred already - as it has drastically improved my overall fitness. I hardly struggled at all with the running intervals. I only really started to struggle when I got to the end of the music and realized I had forgotten to turn around and I was 2k from home! whoops. Anyway, it made for a good long cool down walk home :P

My hips and ankles are feeling it now, but I am so proud of myself. Running has always seemed like a pipe dream to me. And now it is coming true.

I do believe I should invest in some knee braces though.

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