May 08, 2009

C25K Week 1 Day 2

I'm feeling discouraged about having to give up the 30DS when I was sooo close to finishing. I've never accomplished any health/fitness goal in my life, and I was so excited about sticking to this one for so long.

I'm so discouraged/irritated in fact, that I did nothing for the past 3 days. I also ate a lot of chocolate (it didn't help that it's been raining for 3 days making it easier to avoid the outdoors). Fortunately for me I finally came to my senses today and got my butt in gear - light showers or not. I think that if I hadn't gone out for a run today, I may have lost my motivation entirely.

So, about said run. It was about as challenging as the last one, but infinitly better planned out. I actually remembered to turn around at the half-way point. I found a better path to get to the abandonned railroad bed turned walking path - now I won't have to jump over 2 small streams or climb any embankments.

It was a good workout, I was quite out of breath by the end of it but not dying or anything. Unfortunately I am experiencing a great deal of pain in my left hip. It was sore the day after my first run, but went away quickly. Today however, i started feeling a sharp pain in my hip in the last quarter of my run - I had to slow down quite a bit and hobbled most of the rest of the way home. I'm not sure if this is a normal sort of pain that a person experiences when running for the first time in their life. Or if it's being caused by poor form on my part. Or if it is indicative of a larger joint issue and I should see my doctor.

Surprisingly, my knees are not bothering me any more than usual. I think running is treating them far more kindly than the 30DS was. Perhaps my non-soundproof floor is a blessing in disguise? hmmmm, no I really can't convince myself that there's anything good about noisy neigbours who complain about us walking around when they're the ones blasting country music at 10pm on a worknight because they are lazy bums without jobs.

Ok, vent over.
Post over too.
Ginny out.

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