August 02, 2009

P90X Day 1 - Chest&Back + Ab Ripper

Well, I finally got around to starting the P90X. It'll be nice to get back into a routine in August - July was totally out of control. I spent a week in Cape Breton for a Wedding, a Week in the city for our anniversary and 4 days camping which I just got home from yesterday. I've gotten a little bit of exercise in over those weeks, but it was all totally sporadic - about 20K biking while camping, lot's of recreational swimming, lot's of random walking. Enough to at least convince myself that July hasn't been a total waste.

And now onto my first impressions of the P90X. Awe. Pain. Confusion. Disbelief. Excitement.

Chest & Back: Just watching Tony and his cronies and the shear number of push-ups and pull-ups they accomplished was maddening. I was able to do about 4 normal push-ups before giving up and going to my knees for the rest. I completely failed at doing the inclined push-ups. I fell flat on my chest 3 times at a strange angle before giving up completely. It was a great workout though. I didn't really "Bring-it" today - I spent most of my time trying to figure out how to do the various moves and concentrating on correct form. I was only able to find the 2.5lb weights (the rest are apparently buried in the ruble that is our cluttered basement - full of things that have yet to be unpacked from the move) so the various lifts did nothing for me. Hopefully I will find the 8lbs before next time. Next week I expect better and will actually record my reps.

Ab Ripper: Now this was an intense 15mins. 11 ab workouts at 25 reps each. It was painful and yet not impossible. I probably only did 20reps of each move, mostly because I would concentrate on watching the video to figure out how to do the more complicated exercises. I feel I "brought it" to this video. My abs also feel like I worked them well.

All things considered, I'm reasonably happy with my effort and results - considering how I haven't done any strength training since I finished the 30DS in June. I look forward to plyometrics tomorrow - I hear it is killer.

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