April 29, 2009

The Shred - Days 21 and 22

Sorry no update yesterday. I totally forgot.

So, I've begun level 3. It's really pretty awesome - both in the sense that it was awe inspiring and that it was "fun." It's really "nice" to be panting and groaning again - level 2, while strenuous for my shoulders, didn't really work out the rest of my body too much. But the L3 cardio exercises, push-ups and ab exercises are INTENSE. My whole body feels this workout, not just my arms now.

The one downside is that once again there is a lot of jumping. This is bad for my knees, and potentially conflict inducing with my annoying neighbours. Can't wait to have a house! Anyway, I've decided I'm not even going to attempt the rockstars, because it shakes the entire building (making me feel like an elephant too!). Instead, I do jumping jacks. That's the only move I've really forfeited though.

And check out my new and improved bicep. So proud! The triceps need a little extra work, but my arms are waaay less doughy now :P

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