April 25, 2009

The Shred - Day 19

Managed to squeeze a workout in today. Our houseguest decided to go to the gym an hour before I had to leave for work leaving me just enough time to Shred, shower and eat lunch.

Those 5lb weights killed me today, but I managed. Couldn't quite convince my hands to choose them over the 2.5lb when I got to the last circuit. No matter, maybe tomorrow.

My knees are killing me so I did the adapted version of the lunges, squats, and various jumping exercises. In my defense, I did try to do them with as much speed as possible (ie the oblique twists almost made me dizzy) in order to make up for the lower impact.

I am one day away from level 3, eeek. But I'm excited too, this whole workout thing has been so worth it. My husband is constantly complimenting me so I've been in a very good mood lately.

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