April 23, 2009

The Shred - Day 18

Fortunately I was able to get some alone time to do the Shred today. That is the one nice thing about working evenings when the other 2 people in your house work days: Privacy to flail about like a lunatic and not be embarrassed.

I am using both 2.5lb and 5lb weights now. Some of the exercises I can't possibly accomplish with the 5lb weights yet (ie, the last circuit of strength with the military press followed by V raises, oh so painful), but I'm happy to see improvement enough to use the 5lb in the first 2 circuits.

My knees are starting to cause me some trouble again. I've had to ease up on the squats and jumping the last couple days. hopefully this does not last for too long since I'm nearly on level 3.

I'm proud of myself for sticking to a real workout plan for this long. It's a real accomplishment for me just to be active on a daily basis.

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