April 18, 2009

Healthy living

Not much to report today. I did level 2 again today (Day 15 of the 30DS). It was a bit rushed and inconsistant because I jumped on the opportunity to do the workout while our houseguest went for a walk. So I was just in my pj's and had pretty much just rolled out of bed. Still glad I managed to get the unexpected workout in before work. I have the feeling the C25K is going to treat me much better - since I'll be running outdoors on the tracks, and therefor can workout pretty much anytime I want away from public eyes.

Anyway, I just felt the need to post some links to some healthy lifestyle articles I read today.
6 Steps to strengthen your immune system

4 signs you're workout routing isn't working for you

And finally, an inspirational story:

Health & Fitness journey

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